Low Wage Living - Episode 9 - Month 2

So we survived the first month. That is a start and there were a couple of things that could take us out. Accidents or Acts of god. The first month we had to pound pavement and get a job, at this point pretty much anything will do though we have priorities.

Low Wage Living - Episode 8 - Month 1

We've got a game plan for the finances for the long term, the problem now comes into month one. You've washed up on the shores of society, making minimum wage. We have a budget and we have some wiggle room, now it's time to focus on the start. Just like any race the start can make or break you.

Low Wage Living - Episode 7 - Tools

So far we've covered the house and food and we went with an unconventional bike option for the transportation. This brought our wiggle room back up to 160 but we still need to figure out our tools.  If this was a survival show we might get some options like tents (now there would be an unconventional housing solution), fishing gear (maybe a hobby to help that food bill), or axes. In modern society though we have ridiculously amazing phones.